In-House Research
34 professionals

Paris, Cologne, Milan, Rome, Trieste
The proprietary analysis conducted by our highly skilled research teams is the engine room of our investment process.
Our Macro & Market Research team run qualitative and quantitative analyses on macroeconomic and financial issues to support the investment process, and translate macro and quant views into investment ideas and tactical asset allocation recommendations. The team produces a wealth of regular and timely research and analysis that is widely available for clients.
Meanwhile, our best-in-class Credit Research team provides timely credit views and single name coverage on 700+ issuers, addressing credit risk and integrating ESG factors. The team primarily covers the investment grade and high yield markets in Europe, the US, and selected Asian and emerging markets. Our credit analysts work closely with portfolio managers but, crucially, do not share portfolio management duties, unlike many of our competitors. We believe this gives us an important edge when it comes to impartiality and detail in managing credit risk.
In addition, our Insurance & Asset Management Research team provide research and analysis on the European insurance and asset management business with industry reports, forecasting, thematic and on-demand studies.
Finally, our Cross Asset Allocation and Quant Development team works across all research teams including ESG to optimise interlinked investment topics. For example, pricing climate portfolio risk is one key area where linking research, ESG and investment can benefit from a unified approach.

Vincent Chaigneau
Head of Research
Industry Experience: 30 years
Source: Generali Asset Management S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio (“Generali AM”) as at HY 2023. Kindly note that on 1 January 2024, Generali Investments Partners S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio has been merged by incorporation into Generali Insurance Asset Management S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio, changing its name to Generali AM.